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No matter how good the quality of the coffee you have purchased – and we modestly believe that Kona RainForest Organic 100% Kona Coffee is among the best – you still have to turn it into a delicious brewed beverage. How you do that can have a big effect on the taste when you finally get a chance to drink a cup. Here are some thoughts and suggestions that can make that “coffee moment” one you will look forward to again and again.

Start with the freshest coffee possible.
Use beans that have just been roasted. We air ship our coffee to you the day after roasting.

Use the coffee as soon as possible. 
Just-roasted coffee has a “freshness” window of only about three to four weeks, so it is best to use it during this time. Keep it in an airtight container in a dark and cool place.

Try not to store coffee long-term if possible. If you have to keep it longer than a month put it in an airtight container and into your freezer.

Buy whole beans. 
Ideally you will buy whole coffee beans because they stay fresh the best.

Grind your beans into ground coffee at home. 
You can use a blade grinder for this; they are typically inexpensive and widely available. Or upgrade to a burr grinder which does a much nicer job of creating particles all the same size and is easier on the coffee. Grind beans fresh daily.

Select a grind that is right for your brewing preference.
A grind with larger particles usually needs a longer brewing time while a grind with smaller particles needs less brewing time.

Decide on a brewing method. There are more than a dozen ways to brew coffee. These range from simply pouring hot water over the grounds in a filter to using high-tech brewing machines. One of the more popular methods is the French Press and the ubiquitous “Mr. Coffee” style automatic drip coffeemaker. If you want to make good espresso, then you will want to choose from several methods that force water under pressure through the coffee to make a concentrated brew. Everyone has their own favorite brewing method but don’t be afraid to experiment to see what it does to the taste of the coffee.

Some other considerations you should keep in mind when brewing your coffee are:

Water temperature – Not boiling, rather about 195 degrees.

Foam is good – when using a French Press and a head of foam appears, be happy, gasses within your coffee are escaping and your beans are fresh.

Materials the containers are made of – glass, metal, plastic … all can affect taste.

The type of filter – If you are using a filter.

The contact time between the coffee and the water – Making coffee requires your attention!

You can see there are many variables that can affect the ultimate taste – for better or for worse – of the coffee that finally ends up in your cup. Making great coffee is a thoughtful and, in fact, a very sensual process, but one that is well worth it for the final result. Enjoy!